Blogtipp: Brain Pickings


Maria Popova (@brainpicker) hat das Blog gebaut, das ich mit tautoko immer gerne haben wollte: Brain Picking. Voll gepackt mit tollen Ideen und Konzepten aus Kunst, Kultur, Design und Wissenschaft ist das Ding ein einziger Inspirationsoverkill.

We believe that in order to improve or even fully understand a concept (or product, or idea, or argument), you have to first understand all the little pieces that surround it. Pieces across art, design, music, technology, philosophy, religion, politics, philanthropy, neuroscience, psychology, sociology, anthropology, ecology, you-name-itology. Pieces that make your original concept stronger, smarter, richer, deeper and more impactful.

This is Brain Pickings. It’s a modest exercise in vision- and mind-expansion. “Cultural curation” that will, at the very least, introduce you to new ideas and perspectives and, at its very best, help you think more, laugh more, do more. Be a better person. Because a better person conceives of better, stronger, smarter, richer, deep, more impactful ideas — culturally, commercially and socially.

And, yes, despite the pageantry fluff of it, we do all want to “make the world a better place.”

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