Jan Chipchase über vernetzte Städte

> I raise these questions not to cast doubt on the new public/private infrastructure–one that blurs the roles of citizens’ public and private lives, as well as the changing balance between the public and the private sectors in numerous cities turning to corporations to upgrade and update urban environments. Instead, I hope to provoke both cities and companies to consider the possible dilemmas that the new models will face: Who has the rights to exploit what happens on your sidewalk? Your neighborhood? Your roads? What are the rules? Who sets them? Who profits?

Jan Chipchase, Chef-Researcher bei frog, gibt auf [designmind](http://designmind.frogdesign.com/) eine solide Einführung in das Thema ‚Vernetzte Städte‘ mit den Chancen und aber auch den Herausforderungen, die sich dabei gerade bieten und stellen. Wer einen Einstieg in das Thema sucht, ist hier gut bedient. Wer dann mehr wissen will, dem seien die Videos unserer [CoCities Konferenz](http://conference.cognitivecities.com/videos/) empfohlen.

Link: [The Networked Urban Environment](http://designmind.frogdesign.com/blog/the-networked-urban-environment.html)

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