Zukünfte verstehen und gestalten

Kategorie: Zitat

  • Eine verlorene Generation

    The consequences of a lost generation are not merely economic but are societal, with the risk of young people opting out of democratic participation in society. –OECD Report, zitiert im Guardian Was wird mit Europa passieren, wenn eine Generation von Neets (not in employment, education or training) 40, 50, 60 Jahre alt wird? Was passiert…

  • Ungesehenes

    The New Aesthetic is not about seeing something new — it is about the new things we are not seeing. It is an effort to truly observe and note emergent digital visual phenomena before they become invisible. –Will Wiles Von all den Artikel, die über New Aesthetic geschrieben wurden, hat Wiles einen der besten geschrieben,…

  • Fragen

    Questions are places in your mind where answers fit. If you haven’t asked the question, the answer has nowhere to go. It hits your mind and bounces right off. You have to ask the question – you have to want to know – in order to open up the space for the answer to fit.…

  • Der Kick des Neuen

    The computer is electronic cocaine for many people. Our brains are wired for finding immediate reward. With technology, novelty is the reward. You essentially become addicted to novelty. –Dr. Peter Whybrow Der Artikel Manic Nation: Dr. Peter Whybrow Says We’re Addicted to Stress fasst noch einmal gut zusammen, was man in letzter Zeit immer häufiger…

  • William Gibson Zitate

    Acceler8er hat sich mit William Gibson unterhalten, der für mich mehr und mehr zum wichtigsten Denker in den Bereichen wird, die mich interessieren. Und das vor allem, weil er seinen fantastischen Instinkt mit großer Demut einsetzt. Das unterscheidet ihn aus meiner Sicht von den beiden anderen Schwergewichten in diesem Bereich, Warren Ellis und Bruce Sterling.…

  • Jan Chipchase über vernetzte Städte

    I raise these questions not to cast doubt on the new public/private infrastructure–one that blurs the roles of citizens’ public and private lives, as well as the changing balance between the public and the private sectors in numerous cities turning to corporations to upgrade and update urban environments. Instead, I hope to provoke both cities…

  • Know your shit

    If there were one lesson I’d want to impress upon people who are interested in succeeding in the technology industry, it would be, as I’ve said before, know your shit. Know the discipline you’re in, know the history of those who’ve done your kind of work before, understand the lessons of their efforts, and in…