Kritische (Zukunfts-)Forschung nach Inayatullah

In einem Satz:

… the task is not so much to better define the future (forecast more accurately or gain definitional agreement) but rather, at some level, to ‘undefine’ the future, to question it.

Etwas ausführlicher:

The goal of critical research is thus to disturb present power relations through making problematic our categories and evoking other places or scenarios of the future. Through this historical, future and civilizational distance, the present becomes less rigid, indeed, it becomes remarkable. This allows the spaces of reality to loosen and the new possibilities, ideas and structures, to emerge. The issue is less what is the truth but how truth functions in particular policy settings, how truth is evoked, who evokes it, how it circulates, and who gains and loses by particular nominations of what is true, real and significant.

Sohail Inayatullah, Causal Layered Analysis – Poststructuralism As Method

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