Dokumentation: Walking on Eggshells

Der Umgang mit geistigem Eigentum bzw. die Frage was geistiges Eigentum überhaupt ist, ist im digitalen Umfeld relevanter denn je. Diese 24-minütige Dokumentation zeigt die Meinungen von vielen Betroffenen wie z.B. Mashup-Artists.

„Walking on Eggshells“ is a 24-minute documentary about appropriation, creative influence, re-use and intellectual property in the remix age. It is a conversation among various musicians, visual artists, writers and lawyers, all sharing their views on why and how we use and create culture, and how intellectual property law, originally designed to provide people with incentives to create, sometimes hinders creative production far more than it enhances it.

This film is our final project for the seminar „Intellectual Property in the Digital Age“ at Yale University.

Directed and Produced by:
Jacob Albert
Ryan Beauchamp
Brendan Schlagel

This work is licensed under the Creative Commons Attribution-Noncommercial-Share Alike 3.0 United States License.

(via Sebastian)

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