TED Talks und digitale Sabbaths

Auf Boing Boing gibt es ein sehr interessantes [Interview](http://boingboing.net/2011/10/19/an-interview-with-david-eagleman-neuroscientist.html) mit David Eagleman, Neurowissenschaftler und Autor, über unsere Wahrnehmung von Zeit und Nahtoderfahrung. Sehr lesenswert. An dieser Stelle möchte ich aber seine letzte Antwort zitieren.

> **Avi**
What advice would you give to a smart kid who’s now in high school?

> **David**
Watch TED talks: smart people will distill their life’s work down to 20 minutes for you. Follow links through infinite trajectories of Wikipedia. Watch educational videos on topics that resonate with you.

> There are a million ways to waste time on the net; reject those in favor of ways that teach you exactly what you want to know. Never before have we enjoyed such an opportunity for tailored, individualized education.

> And be sure to get off-line often, to take digital sabbaths. As much as the net provides a platter of mankind’s learning, there is a different kind of learning to be had from a hike in the woods, the climbing of a tree, an afternoon building a dam in a stream.

Eine wunderbar ausgeglichene Empfehlung, die nicht nur für Schüler sinnvoll ist.

Wer sich mehr mit Eagleman beschäftigen möchte, dem sei neben seiner [Webseite](http://www.eagleman.com/) auch diese [Comic-Adaption](http://bluedelliquanti.blogspot.com/2011/01/metamorphosis-24-page-comic-for-fresh.html) einer seiner Kurzgeschichten empfohlen.

(via [Brainpicker](https://twitter.com/brainpicker))

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