Schlagwort: Technologiekritik

  • Zwei Zitate zum Technologiediskurs

    Es gibt zwei Zitate, die ich in den letzten 24 Monaten in all meinen Vorträgen und fast wöchentlich in Diskussionen wiederholt habe. 1. Sufficiantly advanced neglect is indistinguishable from malice. – Deb Chachra 2. People worry that computers will get too smart and take over the world, but the real problem is that they’re too…

  • Von der Netzneutralität zur neuen Netzrealität

    Das Ende der Netzneutralität in den USA ist auch das Ende des Mythos vom utopischen Internet (frei und offen). Was nun? […] now is a great moment to engage with some of the work in media studies, STS, and the history of technology that has trained a critical eye on the history of the Internet…

  • Tiefergehende Technologiekritik

    > I refuse to accept that the only good response to an imperfect technology is to abandon it. We need more specific criticisms than the ever-present feeling that „’something’s not right.“ What thing? Developing a political agenda to remake, improve, or forbid technologies requires some sort of rubric: how can I judge what I’m using?…