links for 2009-08-07

  • "Job search sites have been one of the few categories to experience a boom during the recession. With the US Bureau of Labor Statistics reporting a 9.5% unemployment rate in June 2009, the category’s growth shows little sign of stopping."
  • "The iPhone is a wonderfully designed device, sporting sleek curves and oozing minimalism. Fortunately, the great design doesn’t need to stop there. Ever since the App Store went live, we’ve seen some incredibly attractive software released for the platform.

    Whether you’re looking for a robotic unit converter, a realistic app for reading novels, or a intuitive Twitter client – this roundup has something for you. Each application puts design first, offering a fantastic user experience."

  • via …
  • We have a pretty simple rule at our HQ concerning entry-level posts. Unless you have special qualifications or are coming into the business at a senior level, you start on reception. If you can …
  • Beim Kochen, im Supermarkt oder auch im Restaurant – mit steigendem Klimabewusstsein stellt sich bei frischen Lebensmitteln zunehmend die Frage nach der richtigen Auswahl.
    Produkte aus der Re …
  • Designed for bachelors and bachelorettes and to protect the intimate moments between couples, Little Black Book is the perfect sidekick for securing private love affairs.

    via …

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