Kategorie: Fundstücke

  • The Sound of the Drone

    Wenn sich jemand in den letzten Monaten mit mir über das Thema Dronen unterhalten hat, stehen die Chancen gut, dass ich in dem Gespräch ein Essay von James Bridle erwähnt habe. Unter dem Titel The Sound of the Drone ist es letztes Jahr im Buch zur Ausstellung Dread in Amsterdam erschienen. Nun kann man den…

  • links for 2009-11-20

    Twitter Statpack by Scott Robbin "Twitter Statpack is an enhancement for Twitter.com which helps further explain how someone is related to you. It compares the people you follow to the followers/following of a another profile, and shows you where they intersect." (tags: firefox twitter jetpack extension via:mento.info)

  • links for 2009-11-19

    Germany. Why this country really sucks once in a while. "It’s never been easy to be German. Four months ago I published a post about why Germany struggles with Web 2.0 with exactly the same words. My thesis then was the same thesis today: Germans love to be whiny, are risk-averse and love big institutions…

  • links for 2009-11-18

    Tip of the hat: Fedora 12 a strong update "Red Hat announced today the official release of Fedora 12, the latest version of the popular open source Linux distribution. This release brings some impressive new features and a lot of much-needed bugfixes. It's a strong update that puts the distro on the right track forward…

  • links for 2009-11-12

    Play Report "Welcome to the blog for PLAY REPORT, an evolving global study on child development, initiated by IKEA. We will use this blog to keep you updated on our ideas, what we find and what's coming up!" (tags: ikea study research children tumblr via:mento.info)

  • links for 2009-11-11

    Typekit "Add a line of code to your pages and choose from hundreds of fonts. Simple, bulletproof, standards compliant, accessible, and totally legal." (tags: typography fonts webdesign css design font javascript typekit via:mento.info) The Incompetence of American Airlines & The Fate of Mr. X | Dustin Curtis "A FEW MONTHS AGO, I wrote an article…

  • links for 2009-11-06

    The Way I Work: Jason Fried of 37Signals "After lunch, I get a little lazy between 1 p.m. and 3 p.m. I don't feel that productive, so I'm usually screwing around, which I think is really important. Everyone should read stuff on the Web that's goofy or discover something new. I hate it when businesses…