links for 2009-05-05

  • "That its not enough to focus on social alone. That nurturing the conversations in the social realm are the starting point not the end game. That it is indeed about getting customers to influence each other to make positive purchasing and brand affinity decisions. That the core philosophies around social can and should be deeply integrated into a business. And that, the more holistically you look at social influence marketing – across all touch points digital and physical, the more likely are you to harness it for competitive advantage."
  • "Twitter (Twitter reviews) has a wealth of data – it’s a global thought-stream on every topic imaginable. But how do we convert that raw data into insights, trends and actionable information? How can we find the signal in all that noise?

    Fortunately, there are several tools out there that can help analyze Twitter data, understand user behavior, and graph it for analysis and presenting to others. Today, we’ve picked out five great tools to get you started."

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