links for 2009-01-12

  • In seiner aktuellen FT-Kolumne setzt sich Tyler Brûlé mit den Problemen im Retail auseinandern und beschreibt seine eigenen Erfahrungen mit dem Mini-Monocle-Shop in London.

    "When I think about the businesses that are capsizing on shopping streets big and small, it’s because most have lost this connection with their communities (or core markets). High staff turnover means there’s a problem with the working environment as shop assistants clearly don’t want to spend time on the shop floor and this translates into a lack of real, human relationships with customers. Cavernous interiors that lack a sense of intimacy send shoppers running for the door. And cookie-cutter concepts that can be spotted everywhere else on the planet do not create a sense of positive familiarity but rather a weary sense of fatigue that leaves consumers feeling they’ve seen it all before. Indeed they have, which is why they’re not keen on cracking open their wallets."

  • Dan Hill beschreibt das geniale Greenhouse Projekt in Melbourne. Anschauen!
  • "The sales guys at ‘The Economist’ have uploaded this excellent presentation to Slideshare. It revolves around the question how the financial crisis should affect advertising spendings."
  • Frisch eingebaut auf und mit Button von @assbach:

    "A plugin that adds a Twitter icon to every post and page, so your readers can share your blog entries on their Twitter accounts with ease. Shortens URLs in advance."

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  1. Avatar von sascha

    mit deinem tweet-this link stimmt was nicht (+ statt   verwenden!) und ich sehe hier an dem bildschirm erst, dass der nicht sauber ist. mein macbook screen ist im eimer 🙁
    hier kriegst du nen sauberen button ( . sorry! und danke für’s erwähnen. 🙂

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