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Kategorie: Fundstücke

  • links for 2009-11-05

    Secret copyright treaty leaks. It's bad. Very bad. – Boing Boing "The internet chapter of the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement, a secret copyright treaty whose text Obama's administration refused to disclose due to "national security" concerns, has leaked. It's bad." (tags: copyright drm piracy legal obama politics internet law via:mento.info)

  • links for 2009-11-04

    Markus Albers | Das Ende von Schreibtischzwang und Büropflicht "Immer mehr Unternehmen ist es egal, wann und wo ihre Mitarbeiter arbeiten. Hauptsache, das Ergebnis stimmt. Für die Angestellten bedeutet das die Emanzipation von Bürotristesse und Anwesenheitspflicht." (tags: arbeit freiangestellte markusalbers via:mento.info)

  • links for 2009-11-03

    The Complete Guide to Google Wave "Google Wave is a new web-based collaboration tool that's notoriously difficult to understand. This guide will help. Here you'll learn how to use Google Wave to get things done with your group. Because Wave is such a new product that's evolving quickly, this guidebook is a work in progress…

  • links for 2009-10-30

    Germany’s Mr Startup launches his own HuffPo "Serial founder and investor Lukasz Gadowski constantly taps new online markets. In his latest venture, the entrepreneur from Berlin ( who is best known for his part in the success of Spreadshirt, StudiVZ, Brands4Friends and many German startups) now has plans to emulate Citizen Kane and become a…

  • links for 2009-10-29

    Zen Apps: Desktop Tools to Organize Your Brain "Great believers in the power of organization to drive productive creativity, we’re always on the look out for new (and preferably free) tech applications that can help us stay on track, improve focus, or just waste less time on the unimportant stuff." (tags: mac software organize productivity…

  • links for 2009-10-28

    Smarter Cities Tumblr von IBM zu ihrer aktuellen Kampagne: "A collaborative intelligence project for building a planet of smarter cities." (tags: ibm collaboration tumblr technology city environment via:mento.info) Transkript von Michael Pollans Vortrag bei PopTech Kein anderer Vortrag bei PopTech hat mich so tief getroffen und herausgefordert wie dieser. Sehr, sehr zu empfehlen: "Michael Pollan…

  • links for 2009-10-27

    Print and the revolution "Paper is dead, ink is drying up, the newsstand is a wasteland and the future will be backlit, animated and user-generated. That may be if you’re a tech entrepreneur riding around on your Segway in Marin Country and you’ve bet a small fortune launching a new media device that will be…