Wettbewerb: Design Map

Challenge Wide

Wer bei der Web Trend Map gedacht hat „Sowas mache ich zum Frühstück.“, der kann das jetzt beweisen. Visualcomplexity.com hat einen Wettbewerb laufen, bei dem es darum geht, die aktuelle Designlandschaft zu visualisieren.

VC Challenge:

The proposed challenge is simply to visualize the contemporary Design landscape. The output can be as diverse as the projects featured in VC. It can be an interactive, static or even hand-drawn visualization. The basic criteria is that it should illustrate the levels of inter-dependency between all current design disciplines. The Wikipedia page on design is certainly a good place to start, but certainly not the last. The quality of the visual representation will be as important as the personal interpretation of the contemporary design taxonomy.

[via Ich.Mir.Mich]

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