Rob Pepper und die Tate Modern

Für das November-Kompendium seiner Zeichnungen hat Rob Pepper ein paar Jungs gebeten, einen Text zu einem seiner Zeichnungen aus dem Monat November zu schreiben. Ich habe mir Tata Tate ausgesucht:

 Blog Drawings 06 11 13 Tatatate

Hier mein Text:

The Tate Modern is one of my favorite places in London. Rob introduced me to it. We went there the first time I visited Aimie and Rob. There was a special exhibition about a german artist that opened recently. As a club member Rob got me in for free. What I enjoyed even more then the exhibition was drinking a latte in the members lounge and just hanging out with Rob chatting the time away while having a perfect view of the London skyline outside the window. It was one of these small moments that seem trivial when you live them but gain relevance when you reflect on what matters in your life and as I understand Rob’s drawings this is what they are about.

Remembering this day it also comes to mind that this was also the first time I was with Rob when he did one of his drawings. He sat down in the middle of the Kippenberger exhibition on a bench that was overlooking one of Kippenberger’s most famous, gigantic installation. But Rob turned to the side and look straight out the window. He put on his crazy stary look that he always uses when he’s doing this and started drawing. I never really grasped what Rob’s drawings are about until this moment when I experienced it right there with him. The beauty of the moment, the being there at that point in time. Nothing is constructed, nothing is planed. Captured by one person it is indeed a drawing diary. What Rob was seeing that day though the window at Tate Modern was St.Paul cathedral.

St.Paul’s is right to the north of the Tate Modern. They are connected by the Millennium Bridge which crosses the Thames. This concept of the connection between the old and the new, the sacred and the secular has inspired me ever since Rob explained it to me. It is actually the reason that I got to met him in the first place because that’s what Doxology emerged from where he did the drawings and I did the website. Now we work together on a regular base. And it all started at Tate Modern.

Check auch mal das Oktober-Kompendium, in dem ein Haufen Mädels per Text auf Robs Zeichnungen im Oktober reagiert haben.

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  1. […] Tate Modern ist einer meiner absoluten Lieblingsplätze in London, und dabei ist eigentlich egal, welche Ausstellung gerade läuft. Das Gebäude […]

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