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Von Cam BsAs, Argentina

Am 4. Juli startet in San Franzisko unter dem Titel ‚Propaganda III‘ eine neue Ausstellung zum Thema moderne Propaganda. Mehr als 300 Künstler aus der ganzen Welt haben Propaganda Poster beigetragen.

Supertouch Blog:

Following its NorCal unveiling, the show will travel to a host of international cities through 2008 including Milwaukee, Austin, Portland, Boston, New York, Philadelphia, Washington, New Orleans, Chicago, Detroit, Los Angeles, Denver, Las Vegas, Tehran, Copenhagen, Singapore, Bologna, Rome, Sydney, Melbourne, Brisbane, Istanbul, Paris, Prague, and Zurich, for a series of one-day art shows at like-minded galleries and installation spaces. Interestingly enough, the show’s organizer, JOHN DOFFING, promises that the exhibit is open to submissions by any & all artists and that absolutely “no curation or censorship” will be exercised when assembling the shows. In addition, none of the artwork on display will be available for sale during the shows, but rather only through the participating artist’s private websites.

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Poster von R. Glitschka, USA

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