Netzmusik: jap jap – blue shimmery fall

Wunderschönes Zeug vom Netlabel Maetrix ist der Release #13.

jap jap – blue shimmery fall (ZIP, 88,5 MB)

pure celebrations of sound – something that is beautiful in its aesthetics, lively in its delivery, and leaves a profound feeling of exuberance with each listener and each track are a rare find in today’s music world. this intangible something was achieved with love for music. though not as illustrious or memorable as the three abovementioned albums, jasper boer ascends to one of music’s glorious heights with the new album „blue shimmery fall“ on maetrix. the eleven tracks presented on „blue shimmery fall“ are each swathed in elated soundscapes that are also grounded with a dynamic use of rhythm and percussion, as well as an ardent sense of melodic finesse. and, unlike nearly every release tagged as „electronica“, jasper boer does not rely on the style’s clichés, such as glitches or dsp-effects. despite each track featuring little or no vocal accompaniment, the compositions never feel underdeveloped or incomplete, as the instrumental ambience, textures, rhythmic interplay, minimal drones, and soaring melodies pack enough sound into „blue shimmery fall“ that each moment is bursting with life and vivacity. enjoy listening!

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