Schlagwort: iot

  • Internet of Things – Filtrat 15/2015

    1. Warren Ellis im Interview bei Imperica zum Internet of Things (IoT): your networked house works through the kindly offices of various small start-ups. What happens when the people who run your front door for you suddenly shut down overnight? What happens when the houselights get bought out by Amazon? And you have to install…

  • Der Internet-Kühlschrank-Faktor

    Interessante Präsentation von [Alexandra Deschamps-Sonsino]( bei einer Guardian Master Class zum Themenfeld ‚Internet of Things‘. Sie beschäftigt sich u.a. mit dem „Internet Fridge Factor” (IFF). > This reminded me of the Internet Fridge. […] Food management and the internet. Brilliant idea, crap implementation over and over again. But the hope lives on. Für sie beschreibt…